Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Not yesterday, not tomorrow, just TODAY! Here are the things of conviction stirring in my heart:
over indulging in TRENT!
putting myself first
neglecting my health

Our small group [Luke, Ashley, Nathan, Katie, Brett and myself] are reading Colossians so I'm going to read Col. 2 and see what the Word has for me today! It may relate to these matters and it may redirect my attention to another something...which would be great :).

Well immediately verses 1-4 speak of encouragement and wisdom through Christ (via Paul) both of which I'm lacking and both of which shine COMPLETE light on my convictions! To know the "full riches of COMPLETE understanding" is exactly what I desire to cut through this, for lack of better words, STUFF in my heart. It reminds me in verse four not to be deceived by "fine sounding arguments." When struggling with laziness and weight gain a quick fix seems so enticing. But this reminds me that COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING and the FULL RICHES would be negotiated by any quick fix that might sooth my aching, convicted, heart.

Really? Did the word "orderly" have to be used in vs. five?!! It's exactly what I'm not and exactly what I desire to be! Lord, help me be orderly so that others will be drawn to YOU in ME! And it's interesting that "orderly" and "firm in faith" are used in the same sentence. I believe there is a correlation between the two for sure. When I'm orderly I usually can stand more solid in my faith in Christ. When I'm unfocused and chaotic in my life, my relationship with God usually reflects this.

Vs. 6-7 really sum up where my heart needs to be.
"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."

I believe if I really concentrate on Christ, his GRACE, my salvation, and the goodness of God instead of my shortcomings...I will find peace in my heart in dealing with my convictions. I might even see God bring about change in my life instead of striving to reach that change on my own. The irony is that Brett and I discussed this exact point just recently and I see that God is helping me meditate on it some more! So that's what I'm going to do TODAY. Forget about yesterdays shortcomings, not dwell on tomorrows challenges or future shortcomings but live in Christ Jesus, rooted and BUILT UP (not torn down by condemnation) in HIM (not me), strengthened in faith as I have been taught (over and over and over again) and overflowing with thankfulness. PRAISE GOD!


Unknown said...

yay for blogging! And as for "today" thats definitely something I need to work on myself. Love you!

Andrea said...

AJ!!!! Reading this made me feel like we were sitting in a circle at killarney listening to what God was having you to share with us!! I love the way you type how you would speak... just brings me back. I miss you and can't wait to come see the new house and baby!! This semester has been kicking my butt, but I promise to be there as soon as I can! LOVE YOU!

Unknown said...

it's only when we run to the cross that we understand our insufficiency and God's great ability.

At the cross we gain perspective.

At the cross we gain strength to live a different kind of life!