Thursday, August 13, 2009

It's been a while.

I've been really unfaithful with my blog. I just find enough time in my day to do what I need to and then what I don't need to on facebook, check my hotmail and then before I know it, Trent's naptime is over and the laundry is still staring at me.

So here it is 1:30 in the am and I'm still up! I don't feel well, but can't sleep and didnt' want to keep Brettly up while I toss and turn.

I'm sad that the Kids Zumba summer session 2 is over. The kids are such a bright spot in my week! One little boy so innocently tugged on my pants and when I kneeled down, he wiped my sweaty hair out of my face and held my face in his hands. It reminded me of when the Lost Boys (in "HOOK") were checkin' out Peter Pan and then one little boy pulled at his face and cupped his chin. After this little guy held my face he gave me a kiss on the cheek and said thanks. It was so sweet! I'll definitely have to do another session in the fall when I get back from the Zumba conference. I'll then be officially certified in ZUMBATOMIC (Kids Zumba) and hopefully have much more to offer the little zumbies!

I've been accepted to the Masters in Professional (Christian) Counseling program at Liberty University and start taking classes on Sept. 21st.

I have only told a hand-full of people about this and I think it's mostly because I can't believe it's actually happening! I had so many plans and ideas about how this was going to work and then it didn't. So I guess I finally let my grip on my life plan loosen up and this is just amazing to me how God is working. He's reminded me, through a LOVELY and UNEXPECTED gal, that I love to listen, apply scripture, pray and help. This has definitely been welcomed refreshment in my hectic life. I guess, too, I feel like I don't deserve for this to work out. I haven't done anything recently to be more Godly or to pursue this path other than apply...and even saying that I feel like I'm exposing myself. And I worry that others will think the same, that I don't deserve this and what kind of counsel could I possibly give to anyone b/c I'm a wreck. Satan is such a good liar whether or not people chose to be vehicles for those lies.

"In everything give thanks" and I'm pretty sure there something that mentions avoiding foolish talk. So, I give thanks. Sure I don't deserve this life. Jesus gave it to me and I'm grateful. Without him, I'm nothing. Without him, I'm dead. WITH him, I can be alive. Alive in my profession, alive as a wife, alive as a mother and free to be GRATEFUL for all that I have in Jesus.

Amen (and as my dear friend Debby says) "and Amen"


AJ said...

i probably didn't even need to state the time. context clues like poor grammar and typos scream "she should be sleeping!"

Woo-Hoo1 said...

You are definitely inspiring and from one person who is a mess to another just remember where God chose to use Rahab - in the middle of her mess.


Nathan & Sarah said...

I'm so glad you are finally getting to do your masters in counseling, I know you've wanted to do it for some time.
Love you!

Megan said...

We don't deserve any of what we get from God...that is why His blessings are so awesome!
I know you want to and ultimately will strive to bring Him the glory thru this program!
We are all a mess at one time or another! And how could God prepare us to help others thru their messes without first bringing us thru our own?!?!
And hey, if you can judge the MYF contest, you can do anything!!! :-)
Love you and will be praying for you!!!
Megan :-)

AJ said...

thank you ladies for the support and love. i really appreciate it and am so grateful to have Godly friends to encourage me in the right direction!