Friday, February 25, 2011

2.25.11: Nap, Water, or Food?

Today at about 3p Trent went down for his nap and to be honest, I should have too. I was exhausted but felt the pressure to work on my paper for school. So instead of grabbing a glass of water, lying down for a nap, and resting I grabbed the last small piece of homemade apple pie and plopped on the comfy couch for some good Real Housewives action. Why not feed my soul the same garbage I'm feeding my body, ay? Living at Mom and Dad's house is going to be VERY helpful and VERY convenient in many ways, but eliminating some of the bad food in the house will really help me stay focused. I'm going to have to gently reform my families LIFELONG eating habits. I hope I don't get us kicked out before we have a new home!

While that was today's fail, today's win was a note from Nancy that reminded me that mile caloric intake goal is set waaaaaaay too low. This was very helpful to learn b/c shooting for 1200 calories on a day when I am not doing any activity to expend energy is difficult! She also reminded me to have my meals ready for between workouts and classes I'm teaching and for on my way home. This should help me avoid the triple pounders (honestly it didn't even taste that good when I was eating it, I would have rather had a burger I made myself)!

I'm looking forward to starting tomorrow off at the gym with the family. Brettly is getting a membership to Gold's so he can workout early in the morning and we can workout together! I am really looking forward to our workouts together. I also am going to drink a lot more water tomorrow.

There was a big temptation not to be honest with myself about what I ate today on But I am really glad I was honest so that tomorrow I can start fresh and new with my ultimate goal of living a thoroughly healthy life in place.

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